Tag Archives: pain relief

5 Hand Exercises for Arthritis

Hand exercise for arthritis

Do your fingers crack and hurt? Maybe your joints feel decrepit, your hand’s ache and your knuckles fail to function as they should. If your answer is a resounding ‘yes’, you may have one of the numerous types of arthritis that can affect the hands. If you struggle with arthritis in your hands, you are […]

Office Syndrome Is Real and It Should Be Taken Seriously

workspace office slump

If you’ve ever worked in an office, you’ve probably experienced some combination of neck or back pain, numb fingers, and eye strain.  Who hasn’t stood up at the end of a long workday only to experience throbbing shoulder pain and a sore back? In the long hours spent at your desk, these symptoms can get […]

Why You Should Give the Gift of a Massage

Mother's Day Massage

How do you honor the woman who made life possible — and get her to stop for a moment of caring for others to care for herself? Mothers cannot give from a depleted source. Every mother needs emotional, mental, physical and spiritual validation, nourishment and support. When a mother is respected and well cared for, […]

What Are Opioids and How to Avoid Them

With class action lawsuits in full swing against opiate manufacturers, the search for alternatives to opioids for pain management has become a major priority in United States healthcare. A new wave of naturally-derived analgesics are coming onto the market to redress this need. While naturally-derived analgesics have been used since antiquity, they have been widely […]

How to Relieve Your Back Pain at Home Naturally

Muscular man holding ball | crossfit

If you’ve never woken up with excruciating back pain — the kind that makes you grab your side and drop to your knees or hunch your body over like a little old grannie, then count yourself lucky. It’s estimated that at least 80% of Americans are affected by back pain at some point in their […]

CBDMEDIC™ at 2018 Reebok Ragnar Napa Valley

Athletic Man Running

CBDMEDIC™ helps runners cool down at one of the most popular relay races in Northern California, stretching 200 miles from the heart of San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge and into Napa Valley’s “wine country.” Whether you are a die-hard adrenaline junky, or just like to casually explore the picturesque California landscape with a […]

CBDMEDIC™ Debuts Retail Pharmacy Line at NACDS

CBD Oil Laboratory

With the beautiful Rocky Mountains serving as the background, hundreds of high ranking buyers and sellers of the worlds largest drug store chains met to shake hands and make deals. CBDMEDIC™ made its first official appearance since it’s launch in Q3 of 2018. CBDMEDIC™ revealed it’s new Retail Pharmacy Line at the National Association of […]

Natural Ways To Mitigate Pain

There could be a number of reasons your body experiences aches and pains. Even something as simple as not getting the proper sleep or overworking yourself could potentially lead to an increase in the levels of pain and discomfort you feel. But what about the pain that you can feel coming on that hasn’t quite […]

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