Category Archives: Massage

5 Massage Techniques You Can Try This Valentine’s Day…DIY Style

massage techniques closeup of hands

Nothing says you care than a gift that comes from the heart…or the hands. This Valentine’s Day, why not give your partner, or even your friends, the gift of a relaxing, customized massage? And why not do it without spending a ton of money on a spa day or massage gift certificate? Even if you’re […]

The Aromatherapy Benefits of Frankincense and Myrrh: Not Just for 3 Wise Men

aromatherapy essential oils

The essential oils, frankincense and myrrh, are nearly as old as time, itself…literally. Popularized by the Three Wise Men, of biblical fame, these two essential oils, alongside gold, were used in many religious rituals from the Far East to the West. However, they don’t just make a good addition to your annual nativity scene. Frankincense […]

Why You Should Give the Gift of a Massage

Mother's Day Massage

How do you honor the woman who made life possible — and get her to stop for a moment of caring for others to care for herself? Mothers cannot give from a depleted source. Every mother needs emotional, mental, physical and spiritual validation, nourishment and support. When a mother is respected and well cared for, […]

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