Arthritis can cause chronic pain and its effects can be physically and psychologically devastating. Quality of life can plummet, fatigue can set in, and self-sufficiency can take a hit. As your joints worsen, they can deform and become dysfunctional; and cause immense pain. Thus, it’s no wonder sufferers search for something, anything, to provide much […]
Tag Archives: natural pain relief
Holiday dinners and celebrations with your family are the perfect opportunities to take stock and appreciate our blessings while we consider the challenges faced by others. If you know your host suffers from arthritis, the right present will touch their hearts and ease their pain. Thanksgiving is a busy time of the year! Cooking dinner […]
Arthritis is staggeringly common, with around 1 in 4 American adults suffering from the condition. While we tend to think of it as a single disease, it’s actually a cluster of symptoms (other than arthritic autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis). But regardless of the underlying diagnosis, it often presents with pain, reduced range of motion, […]
“I can feel it in my bones,” a common saying used to describe an intuition or a hunch, is more than an idiom for those who suffer from joint pain. Arthritis sufferers, in particular, take this adage to be more literal – they believe that their pain changes based on weather patterns. If you know […]
CBDMEDIC™ helps runners cool down at one of the most popular relay races in Northern California, stretching 200 miles from the heart of San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge and into Napa Valley’s “wine country.” Whether you are a die-hard adrenaline junky, or just like to casually explore the picturesque California landscape with a […]
With the beautiful Rocky Mountains serving as the background, hundreds of high ranking buyers and sellers of the worlds largest drug store chains met to shake hands and make deals. CBDMEDIC™ made its first official appearance since it’s launch in Q3 of 2018. CBDMEDIC™ revealed it’s new Retail Pharmacy Line at the National Association of […]
There could be a number of reasons your body experiences aches and pains. Even something as simple as not getting the proper sleep or overworking yourself could potentially lead to an increase in the levels of pain and discomfort you feel. But what about the pain that you can feel coming on that hasn’t quite […]