Every June 5, World Environment Day encourages each of us to take action to protect our precious environment. It’s the perfect time to look at important ways we can contribute to a healthier personal and global future. Harmful chemicals adversely impact on the welfare of the human body and the earth, with many found in personal care and daily use products. By switching to natural cosmetic options, we can stay gorgeous, boost our wellbeing and contribute to a healthier environment for generations to come.
With this in mind, let’s take a look at five chemical toxins you must avoid, followed by natural ingredients and a proven option that can calm pain, support healthy skin and save our planet in the process.
5 Unhealthy Ingredients Commonly Found in Your Products
There are five accepted toxic ingredients regularly used in personal care and daily use products. These are linked to ill health and raise important environmental concerns…

As a preservative
Paraben esters (chemical compounds) of para-hydroxybenzoic acid are widely used as a preservative in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries due to their ability to hinder bacterial and viral growth and extend the shelf life of products. It’s found in your food, toothpaste, face creams, and just about anything else you can think of that could use shelf life enhancement in the world of mass production.
If the product has an E number on it, its preserved with parabens. But you may also see them listed as benzoic acid, hydroxyl benzoic acid, and hydroxybenzoate in addition to the more obvious suffix + paraben name.
Potentially harmful to human health
Research shows that alkyl hydroxy benzoate preservatives (parabens) are able to exert weak estrogenic effects. The ubiquitous nature of their use may lead to accumulation. In fact, while a causative nature has not yet been established, a study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology showed significant reason for concern. In 160 women who had breast tissue removed due to primary breast cancer, one or more paraben esters were found in a staggering 158 tissue samples. Ninety-six contained all five esters.
Potentially harmful to the environment
As these compounds flow into waterways, they continue to contaminate our environment and the creatures within it. The study “Elevated Accumulation of Parabens and their Metabolites in Marine Mammals from the United States Coastal Waters” identified the presence of methyl paraben in many dolphin, polar bear and sea otter samples.

A chemical plastic softener
Phthalates are man-made chemicals used to soften and strengthen plastics. They are found in hundreds of items from adhesives, detergents and plastic clothing, to personal care products, plastic film and vinyl flooring.
An established endocrine disrupting chemical
According to the World Health Organization, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) are compounds that have been suspected of, or shown to, alter female and male reproductive function. Phthalates can exert anti-androgenic and adverse pulmonary effects in males, liver and kidney changes, and anovulation.
Contamination of our Earth
Phthalates are, put simply, pollutants. Since their introduction in 1921 they have become a popular addition in daily use items due to their ease, accessibility and low cost. These chemicals do not bind tightly, though, and can leech, migrate and oxidize. This has led to contaminated air, drinking water, dust, sedimentation, sewerage, soil, and wastewater.

Sodium and synthetic sulfates
Sulfates can come from nature or industry and are sought after for their solubility characteristics in water. Used as fillers, emulsifiers and foaming agents in powdered laundry detergents and shampoo’s, as diluents in food colorings, as glass fining agents, and in textile manufacture, the majority of Americans come into contact with sulfates regularly. You’ve likely heard of two synthetic forms; sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).
Negative health consequences
While carcinogenic claims have been leveled against sodium and synthetic sulfates, the consensus is this is unfounded. However, irritation of the eyes, lungs and skin has been shown to occur.
Broad environmental concerns
HealthLine notes that SLS and SLES come from either petroleum oil, or coconut or palm oil. With fossil fuels leading the race as environmental destructors and palm oil production bringing with it great swathes of deforestation and wildlife loss, the environmental costs are high.
Mineral Oil (Paraffin Oil)
Paraffin oil is petroleum sourced
According to the Handbook of Industrial Hydrocarbon Processes, the term mineral and paraffin oil are interchangeable. Obtained via petroleum distillation, it is used as fuel, a laxative, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic processes and agents including penicillin and medicated creams, in the production of paints, as an industrial solvent and lubricant, and to preserve unstable substances. Its presence is wide-spread.
Health complications
When paraffin oil is inhaled it can act as a respiratory tract irritant, causing cough, dyspnea, or even pneumonitis. As a longer-term topical, it may trigger contact dermatitis. On ingestion, it can cause gastrointestinal problems. The study Mineral Oils: Untreated and Mildly Treated also found this oil increased the risk of scrotum and skin cancer.
Environmentally damaging
An article published in Frontiers in Marine Science stated that, “Lumps of petroleum waxes such as paraffin and microcrystalline wax are regularly found on beaches worldwide.” This has resulted in beachings, marine animal death, and the mass stranding of birds.

Synthetic drugs that resemble cortisol
Synthetic steroids are used as pharmaceutical agents to treat arthritis, asthma, eczema, hay fever, hives, inflammatory conditions and pain. These synthetic drugs resemble hormones naturally made by the body, including the corticosteroids and, so, the “stress hormone” cortisol.
Potential skin problems from long-term use
Acne, blunted would healing, bruising, elevated sweating, facial erythema, mild hirsutism, stretch marks, and thin and fragile skin can result from the long-term use of steroid medications.
Potentially harmful to the environment
As we create and consume steroid drugs, they work their way into our environment. Whether through manufacturing processes, human excretion, or the disposal of medication containers, these biology-altering chemicals enter our environment where they are able to exert negative effects on the world’s flora, fauna and fabric.
Natural Skincare and Pain Relief: Healthy Skin, Happy Planet
As we’ve seen, modern chemicals and pharmaceutical medications may significantly contribute to human and environmental harm. Wonderfully, there are high-quality options. Natural, ethically sourced and produced products are excellent for the body and great for our Earth.
These effective clean products can nurture us and our planet. There is no ‘either or.’
CBDMEDIC™ uses natural active ingredients like camphor, menthol, colloidal oatmeal, alongside natural emollients such as eucalyptus oil, tea tree, CBD hemp oil (Cannabis sativa L.), jojoba seed oil and other naturally-derived ingredients to calm pain, support healthy skin and contribute to a sustainable, unsoiled Earth.
Our natural focus has led to our unique range of products that, we believe, can save our skins and contribute to a better planet. It’s time to use nature to care for your body and our Earth.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It has not been approved by the FDA to diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, or mitigate any diseases or conditions. We use CBD in our products for cosmetic purposes only.