Category Archives: Skincare

What Your Acne Says About Your Health

Acne Facemap

Eastern medicine, namely Chinese medicine and ayurveda, believe in a concept called face mapping. Face mapping is a method that indicates an acne flare might be due to more than the cosmetics, hair products, or fabrics that come into contact with your skin. According to face mapping, the location of an acne flare-up can help […]

Holiday Gift Guide for CBDMEDIC™ lovers! [Quiz]

holiday gift- gold package

The holidays are quickly approaching! Still got a few people to cross off your holiday shopping list? We’ve got something for everyone in your life! Whether it’s your partner who needs some help with relaxation, or your best friend who needs help with their recovery, you can find the perfect gift for all your loved […]

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Your Hair & Skin Care Regimen

jojoba oil and beeswax salve

You may have seen jojoba shampoo or skin creams at your local supermarket. While it was once an ingredient in specialty organic and natural products, it’s found its way to the mainstream market for skin and hair products. But do you know what makes it so special? Before we look at the ways that you […]

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Acne

acne facewash

Tea tree oil has become a household name in terms of being a holistic home remedy for skin, hair, and nails. If this powerfully healing essential oil isn’t a go-to in your house, get ready, because it’s about to be. Tea tree oil derives from a tree species called melaleuca alternifolia native to Australia. Aborigines […]

The Great Debate on Natural Deodorant + Enjoy a DIY Deodorant Recipe

Natural Deodorant

Body odor creeps close to the top of a list of insecurities when venturing out in public. No one likes to smell or likes having to endure someone else’s offensive odor when working out at the gym or when crammed into close quarters like a conference room, elevator, or crowded train. However, the potential dangers […]

5 Bentonite Clay Mask Recipes for Healthy Skin

pretty woman applying bentonite clay mask

Bentonite Clay Mask Recipes It is such a battle trying to deal with unruly skin. Whether it’s acne, dry patches, or wrinkles, sometimes it seems like your skin just won’t listen. Well maybe it is what you are eating and drinking or maybe you just need a new acne cleanser, acne treatment, or eczema treatment; […]

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